
Civil Rights tour inspires students to influence change

Civil Rights tour inspires students to influence change



Students gained a new perspective on the importance of making their voice heard at the polls after taking part in the Civil Rights Heritage Tour March 2-3.

这次旅行, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Women’s Organizational Movement for Equality Now Inc., was possible through a grant from the North 乔治亚州 Conference of the United Methodist Church. Seven students participated in the two-day event.

“The tour allowed our students to be able to learn not just from textbooks, but also through seeing the places and hearing the stories,牧师说。. 阿什利·詹金斯. “What made this trip an amazing experience was that people who fought for civil rights and voting rights helped lead the trip. Our students were able to meet some of the history makers of the movement.”

在旅途中, the LC group visited 阿拉巴马州 sites dedicated to individuals pivotal to the civil rights movement, including the National Voting Rights Museum in Selma, 蒙哥马利的民权纪念中心, 然后是16th 伯明翰街浸信会教堂, where a bombing claimed the lives of four African American girls. 阿尔文·刘易斯, 谁小时候参与了这场运动, spoke to students about the tragedy and the children’s march.

“Being able to engage and speak with people who actively participated in the events we read about in our history books was a humbling experience,大一新生肯尼思·霍华德说.

While in 阿拉巴马州, the LC group also heard stories about Willie Lee Jackson, the Rev. James Orange and Viola Liuzzo, activists who gave their lives to the cause.

Students were surprised to learn that Liuzzo was white yet played an active role in the movement.

“She was a mother of five kids who drove from Michigan to 阿拉巴马州 to be part of the cause,大二学生布莱恩特·哈伯特说. “She transported protestors who couldn’t walk or might be harmed from Selma to Montgomery in this march. Through her actions, she wanted to get the message across that all people are created equal.”阿拉巴马州塞尔玛- -桥- 2024.jpg

在旅行的最后一天, the students walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, 血腥星期日的发生地, 塞尔玛的悲剧事件, 阿拉巴马州, that killed and injured peaceful protestors marching to Montgomery in 1965.

While at the bridge, students heard Vice President Kamala Harris give remarks commemorating the 59th 活动周年纪念.

Sophomores Jaylan Harris and Madison Powell shared how their experiences on the tour have ignited a spark in them to act on their civic duty of voting.

“I was motivated to be more involved in what is going on in politics after hearing this quote: ‘Voting is the most powerful nonviolent movement that we have,’”哈里斯说。. “This tour showed me that these people sacrificed a lot just to fight for the rights for us to take part in the electoral process.”

“The activists who came before us to advocate for voting rights were not afforded the same opportunities we have at the polls,鲍威尔说. “We can honor these champions for change by casting our ballot and spreading the word.”

To register for upcoming elections, visit the 乔治亚州 Secretary of State’s 网站.



  • 宗教教授. 约翰·库克 作为专家嘉宾出现在播客中圣经时间机器,” which is sponsored by Professor Helen Bond of Edinburgh University and journalist Dave Roos. The topic for the episode is "Crucifixion in the Roman World.”                                       准学生参观校园
  • Prospective students and their families will visit campus for 春季预展日 4月13日星期六. 这是本学年的最后一次. 欲了解更多信息,请访问预览日 网站.
  • 提交提名的截止日期 支柱和砝码. 亨利 颁奖典礼于4月2日(周二)下午5点举行.m. Forms can be dropped off in-person to Smith Hall, Office 210, or submitted via e-mail to Dr. John Head, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Experience, at jhead5@greenlifeideas.com.
  • 春假 将在3月25日星期一开始. 4月2日(星期二)复课.






  • The campus and community are invited to take part in LC Miracle’s annual event that supports Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Last year’s dance marathon raised over $25,000.




威尼斯人娱乐城大学 Preview Day is your one-stop-opportunity to learn about all things LC. 4月13日, 你和你的嘉宾将会听到招生办的消息, 经济援助和学生生活, tour our beautiful 130-acre campus and meet one-on-one with current students, 教师和财政援助代表. 在招生网站上注册.





黑豹队横扫了伍斯特学院 4-3和6-5 3月18日星期一. The team hosts Berea on 3月23日星期六, at 2 p.m. 下午5:30.m. 3月24日星期日下午2点.m.



LC击败契约 10-2和6-2 在3月16日星期六的主场双打中. The Panthers hit the road to face Mississippi University for Women on 3月24日星期日, at 1 p.m. 还有3p.m.



黑豹队的主场比赛提前结束 亨廷顿 3月15日星期五有雨. 他们将在4月18日继续比赛. The team faces Covenant and Asbury on 3月23日星期六. On Sunday, the Panthers will compete against Johnson University at Covenant.



The Panthers had to end their home match against 亨廷顿 由于3月15日星期五有雨,我们提前出发. 他们将在4月18日继续比赛. The team will play against Covenant and Asbury on 3月23日星期六. On Sunday, the Panthers will face Johnson University at Covenant.



LC is playing in the Jekyll Island Collegiate Invitational that is happening through the weekend in Jekyll Island, 乔治亚州.



黑豹队以27比8输给了 菲佛大学 在家里,3月16日星期六. The team hits the road to face Methodist University on 3月23日星期六, at 1 p.m.



信用证了 5场比赛 给梅瑟和卡森·纽曼两次. On Tuesday, the team lost their six matches at home to 特鲁特麦康奈尔. 黑豹队下周没有比赛.



(Please note that schedules may change due to circumstances beyond our control. 请查看www.lagrangepanthers.Com确认.)

3月22日星期五 – 高尔夫球 at Jekyll Island Collegiate Invitational, Jekyll Island, 乔治亚州

3月22日星期五 -卫理公会曲棍球,下午5点.m.他来自北卡罗来纳州费耶特维尔

3月23日星期六 – 高尔夫球 at Jekyll Island Collegiate Invitational, Jekyll Island, 乔治亚州

3月23日星期六 -男子网球赛对阵阿斯伯里(约恩.m.佐治亚州的了望山

3月23日星期六 – 女子网球 against Asbury @Covenant, 10 a.m.佐治亚州的了望山

3月23日星期六 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 伯里亚,下午2点.m. 下午5:30.m.威廉森体育场的克利夫兰球场

3月23日星期六 男子网球赛,下午2:30.m.佐治亚州的了望山

3月23日星期六 -女子网球赛,下午2:30.m.佐治亚州的了望山

3月24日星期日 – 高尔夫球 at Jekyll Island Collegiate Invitational, Jekyll Island, 乔治亚州

3月24日星期日 – 垒球 at Mississippi University for Women, 1 p.m. 还有3p.m.密西西比州哥伦布市

3月24日星期日 -男子网球对. Johnson @Covenant, TBA佐治亚州的了望山

3月24日星期日 -女子网球赛对. Johnson @Covenant, TBA佐治亚州的了望山

3月24日星期日 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 伯里亚,下午2点.m.威廉森体育场的克利夫兰球场

3月27日星期三 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 伯明翰-南方,下午5:30.m.威廉森体育场的克利夫兰球场

3月27日星期三 ——下午8点在亨廷顿打曲棍球.m.阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市

3月28日星期四 -贝尔黑文垒球,下午5点.m. 7分.m.杰克逊,密西西比州

类别: Students, Arts and Culture




最后更新: 03/26/2024